The Endearing Tale of Easter Bunnies

Picture of Dina Gabr
Dina Gabr

E-mail Marketing Specialist Intern, Marketing Student, Freelance Blog Author

When it comes to Easter festivities, there are a few icons such as the Easter bunny. From the bushy tail to the endless energy, what’s not to love about that endearing critter that’s hopped its way into the hearts of humankind all over the planet? How, really, did this lovable symbol become associated with the celebration of Easter?

With such a purpose in view, we shall turn to an interesting history for the meaning of the Easter bunny and then turn our attention to a group of bunnies that are far less known and are indeed struggling for survival.


The Easter Bunny: A Symbol of Renewal ​

The Easter Bunny is originally based on pagan celebrations of the spring. The rabbit is a symbol of great reproduction and became connected to the function of fertility and the act of new creation.

Later with the spread of Christianity, these pagan traditions got merged into the Easter celebrations, and thus came the transformation of the bunny into a symbol of new life and hope. An “Osterhase,” or Easter hare, was supposed to lay colored eggs that children find on Easter morning, according to German folklore. The tradition of the hare was brought over from Germany by German immigrants in the 1700s, where an Easter egg search later morphed into an Easter bunny. The Amami Rabbit: A Tale of Endangerment.

The Amami Rabbit: A Tale of Endangerment

Totti, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

While the Easter Bunny is cute and filled with holiday celebrations, there is a real-life relative rabbit with a very uncertain future. The Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi), is a species found nowhere else in the world except in the wild of two small islands in Japan. With its small stature and dark fur, this elusive rabbit is often dubbed the “forest rabbit” or “bun bun.”

Despite its endearing appearance, the Amami rabbit’s chances of survival remain slim. The species is threatened by habitat loss through deforestation, predation by invasive species, and hunting. The Amami rabbit survives in the remaining population of a few hundred individuals in the wild, and thus, they really need to take conservation efforts seriously to avoid the loss of such a precious species.

Connecting the Threads

At first glance, the connection between the Easter bunny and the endangered Amami rabbit may seem weak. However, both serve as potent reminders of humanity’s intricate relationship with the natural world. Just as the Easter bunny symbolizes the beauty of spring and the promise of new beginnings, the plight of the Amami rabbit highlights the fragility of our planet’s biodiversity.


By cherishing the traditions associated with the Easter bunny, we honor the wonders of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Moreover, we are reminded of our responsibility to protect and preserve vulnerable species like the Amami rabbit. Through awareness, advocacy, and conservation efforts, we can ensure that these remarkable creatures continue to hop, play, and thrive for generations to come.


As we celebrate Easter and revel in the joy of bunnies, let us also reflect on the importance of safeguarding our planet’s precious wildlife. Together, we can weave a brighter future where both mythical and real-life bunnies flourish in harmony with nature.